This is NOT just a site for rowers, though that's been the initial subject. It is for old (and not-so-old) boys from the Haberdashers school at Monmouth, South Wales. It is viewable by the public, but contributions and comments are from (or via) blog members.

If you would like to join the blog and/or submit material - and we'd certainly like you to - please contact Rolf Norfolk at


Tuesday 28 May 2013

The "Cool Crew" at the 2013 Monmouth Regatta

Gordon "Elmer" Ellis reports:

"... at about midnight Saturday I was outside the Rowing club, and just said in passing to some young City of Oxford Rowers ' Word of advice - NEVER give up rowing.'

To which a little blonde said 'Oh my God - You were part of THE COOL CREW!!!!! Evidently that is how we were referred to.

Well with groupies and wife safely in bed - I decided I'm too old for this and went to bed."

Presentation to John Hartland (1969 rowers' reunion, May 2013)

Luncheon at the rowing club


(From the 1969 rowers' reunion, May 2013.)

Some old boys!

(1969 rowers' reunion, May 2013)

Mike Butler & John Pitt

69 Reunion

1969 Crew

Saturday 25 May 2013

John Hartland presentation at 1969 reunion at Monmouth Regatta.

High Noon - 25th May 2013


Perfect weather on the Saturday, and the Old Boys' First Eight kindly didn't lead the second boat by too much - or was the second boat simply showing due deference?

Photographs to add soon, we hope.

Pic: Weirhead, 1966

Sent in by David "Ali" Palmer - can anyone name all?

Free Press covers May 2013 Regatta

See link here.