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Saturday 8 June 2013

1968 - 1970 rowing pictures - Mike O'Donovan

Mike has kindly contributed the following and promises to add notes soon* (he's one of the methodical people who write on the back of photos - if only more of us did the the same).

*Now done! (12 June 2013)

Click on pictures to enlarge.

1968 Colts

Left to right:

Standing: P.Marsden; J.Down; G.Winterbottom; P.Beaven; C.Smith; G.Ellis.

Seated: J.Baker; M.Zygadlo; M.O’Donovan

Grass: D.Palmer; S.Williams
1968 Colts at Hereford (1)
Bow, C.Smith; 2, P.Beaven; 3, G.Ellis; 4, J.Down; 5, P.Marsden; 6, M.Zygadlo; 7, J.Baker; Stroke, M.O’Donovan; Cox, D.Palmer
1968 Colts at Hereford (2)
1969 2nd IV
Bow, L.Horwich; 2, J.Down; 3, J.Baker; Stroke, M.Donovan; Cox, ??
1969 Head of the River (1)
Bow, K.Prosser; 2, M.O’Donovan; 3, M.Zygadlo; 4, D.Low; 5, C.Wiggin; 6, R.Beese; 7, S.Jackson; Stroke, B.Bamford; Cox, D.Palmer.
1969 Head of the River (2)
1969 Head of the River (3)
1970 1st VIII
Left to right:
Standing: J.Baker; J.Maltman; D.Hodson; P.Evans; P.Williams; M.O’Donovan; J.Hartland
Seated: P.Marsden; D.Palmer; B.Bamford; M.Zygadlo; G.Winterbottom.
1970 Hereford Regatta (1)
Bow, P.Williams; 2, M.O’Donovan; 3, J.Baker; 4, J.Maltman; 5, P.Marsden; 6, M.Zygadlo; 7, G.Winterbottom; Stroke, B.Bamford; Cox, D.Palmer.

(Finished 11thout of 113 in the Schools’ Head)
1970 Hereford Regatta (2)
1970 Hereford Regatta (3)
1970 Schools' Head of the River (1)
1970 Schools' Head of the River (2)

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